It’s been awhile since my last blog and part of that was because I wanted to collect my thoughts before writing one…sounds ominous but it’s not!
I was humbled and honoured to be asked to support a Starlight charity event which took place a few weeks ago. It was a fabulous evening with great Halloween costumes and the people running the event told me that they were on target to break £3,000 in donations for the year which is amazing. The reason for the delay in writing this blog was because I can’t help but be affected by the fact that Starlight provides services for 500,000 serious and terminally ill children…that’s half a million children, a million parents and goodness knows how many grandparents, siblings and other relatives affected. The event was brilliant, everyone had a great time but there was part of me that couldn’t help but feel sad that there are children fighting for their lives. It’s amazing what we take for granted in life with regards our health but on the plus side, I am in a position to be able to do something, even if it’s just providing a disco.
So…onto a cheerier subject…next disco was an engagement party for a young couple and it was lovely to see how much they cared for each other. It was a really nice evening and their friends were great and really got into the dancing…everyone loves the classic dance songs so YMCA went down really well! It’s interesting to see a young couple who are at the beginning of their journey into marriage and they’re taking their time…married in 5 years, so they tell me and I wish them both the very best.
Final gig of the three was a 30th birthday party with a fancy dress theme with the birthday boy (man) dressed in a pink onesie with the necessary accessories to leave no doubt that it was a male onesie, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination! By some quirk of fate, I also knew the chap who’d been hired for the chocolate fountain who I’d not seen for awhile so great to catch up with him and taste test his fountain…very nice! Special mention has to go to the birthday boys wife who’d dressed as Cheryl Cole (or whatever her surname is now) and got on the dancefloor to do a solo performance to Fight For This Love…that takes some bottle to do that and, quite frankly, she was at least as good as Cheryl!
Three gigs….one humbling, one nice to be part of and one great birthday party with a cracking bunch of people 🙂
3 gigs, all different, all unique