It has been a busy November! Loved every minute of it too.
Realised it’s been just over a month since my last blog and that was mainly because November seemed to be on fast forwards…I have DJ’d at 3 weddings although the most recent one was on 4th December, a 40th birthday party, two 30th birthday parties, one of which included a 60th and 3 school discos since my last random musings. And I was worried December was going to be my busy month!
Weddings are always great events and I am pretty sure I have said this before, I am honoured and humbled to be a small part of a lovely event for two people embarking on their lives together. Add into the mix that you always get a wide variety (ages) of people and it makes for an enjoyable evening.
The birthday parties were all great too; one in Aldershot, one near Petersfield and one in Henley on Thames – again, great fun to be part of with great music. One of the parties was a Star Wars theme with some fabulous costumes, you may have seen the photos over on the Facebook page.
As for the school disco’s, all good but also hard work as kids aren’t shy about asking for a song, which is great as it means I don’t have to think about what song to play next but when you have a list of 10 songs to play and their request is number 11, it’s hard trying to explain to them that I will get to their song, it just might take a little time! But all good fun and very polite kids.
And now my mind is drifting towards Christmas…I vaguely remember how good it was to be a kid at Christmas time when you were counting down the days till school ended, opening your advent calendar and getting more and more excited about Santa and just wishing Christmas would hurry up and arrive. Now I am older, it’s all different with having to think about the grown up things like food, presents, seeing friends and family and so on…don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas, there’s just a teeny part of me that misses the innocence of Christmas as a child.
So…that’s November done, December is looking to be good and can’t wait for the disco’s and I also can’t wait for Christmas; I may be older but still believe in the magic of Christmas 🙂
Three weddings, two 30th’s including a 60th and a 40th plus a couple of school discos!